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Saturday, 22 July 2017 23:47

Guitar maker forced out by developer

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ONE of the last independent guitar makers in historic Denmark Street has packed up his shop for the final time.

Tim Marten – who began working in Andy’s repair shop in 1978 – has toured the world with Led Zeppelin and Kinks frontman Ray Davies.

Mr Marten has been forced to leave because of a major development of the street – also known as Tin Pan Alley – by developer Consolidated.

The 62-year-old said: “It’s not come as a surprise but it is something that has been hanging over us for a long time. The sword of Damocles has finally fallen and we have to go.

“I am left in a bit of a panic with nowhere to go. The stuff is going into storage while I take some time off to try and find alternative premises. But with the prices in central London being what they are I think it is unlikely that I will find anywhere that I can afford.”

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Read 6442 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 January 2019 11:20

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The true 'unsung heroes' of Tin Pan Alley are the musicians, the songwriters, the music publishers, the technicians and the people from behind-the-scenes who have come out of the woodwork, out of history and out of retirement to approach us. Individuals that would be very hard to find in any other circumstance have come forward from across the globe, saying, 'We want to be in this special documentary film!'